Snell Isle Alerts

Statue and Planter Beautification Project - Rally Challenge

Our Statuary Beautification Project is well underway and we thank our volunteers who are well into Phase 1 – the Planters. These volunteers are scrubbing, rinsing, painting & planting to make our planters look like they’ve all had “facelifts”! Phase 2 - in the fall - will spruce up the remaining statuary, the panthers, lions and griffins. A number of residents have signed up to “adopt” a specific animal – perhaps near their residence – that they would like to clean and paint next fall. Since the Isle has 120 animal statuary throughout, if you are so inclined, give us a call to reserve one you’d like to clean and paint. For now, keep an eye on all 41 of the planters around the Isle. You’re starting to see the effects of their “facelifts” as we proceed to scrub and clean, seal and paint and finally re-plant them with fresh, pretty plants!

Please call Bonnie Hargrett at 727-821-1048 if you’d like to volunteer, she’s eager to hear from you!

Rally Challenge ! ! !

We all know how convenient our good neighbors at the Rally Store at 22nd Avenue N and 4th St are. Well, Rally has made a challenge to all Snell Isle Residents to help us with the Statuary Beautification Project currently underway.

Every Snell Isle resident is challenged to write a check to help pay for the materials we need for our Beautification Project. As you

know we will need a LOT of paint and plants. To help our association buy the materials we will need, we need your support. We welcome your support for any amount. For those of you who can, please consider helping us out with your check for $50 - $100 or more. Rally will match the first one hundred gifts of $50 or more. With your help and Rally’s, we will have the money we need for this project. All of your money, and Rally’s, will go to purchase cleaning supplies, paint, brushes, plants, etc. to complete this project. Then we encourage you to watch Snell Isle “bloom”!

Send your check today to:

  • Snell Isle Property Owners Assn, Inc.
  • **Statue & Beautification Project**
  • P O Box 7053
  • St. Petersburg, FL 33734

When you send in your check, please reference “Beautification” & also include your email address so we can keep you posted on the progress of this campaign. Let’s all help make Snell Isle SHINE! Thank you for your support.

Snell Isle Plants and Statues Renovation Update - May 13

Thank you to all our Snell Isle residents who have volunteered to clean and paint our statues and also plant our planters. However, we need more volunteers to help. We have 41 planters and 120 statues (Panthers, Lions and Griffins) all awaiting their turn to be made more beautiful. Let’s not keep them waiting any longer please.

Our First Project is “beautifying” the 41 Planters around the Isle and it has already started. Spring cleaning means we will empty the planters - if necessary - of all their leggy plants and all that old dirt. We will clean up the planter (a little bleach and water scrubbing and a very thorough rinse). Then we will paint - if necessary –and then replant. A variety of plants are being chosen depending on the planter’s location and the amount of sun/shade the planter receives. All materials will be provided by the Association.

Later this year our Second Phase will be “beautifying” our gorgeous Snell Isle Statues – our Panthers, Lions and Griffins. They will need a good scrubbing and a wonderful rinsing before we can apply their “new makeup” – that is paint to the rest of us.

Do you live near one of these Planters or Statues? Would you please help us by “adopting” one or more? With your help, we can finish the planters - Phase 1 - before the heat of summer and the animals - Phase 2 - later this Fall.

Won’t you help us (or have your teenagers earn some community service hours). If so, please call Bonnie Hargrett at 727-821-1048.

Our Panthers, Lions, Griffins and Planters all thank you in advance for the support and TLC you show them!

Snell Isle's Panthers and Planters are calling for your help

Our Snell Isle Panthers, Lions and Planters urgently need your help. These lovely items are waiting for their spring spruce up and it is already May. Can you please help our Planters and also help our Panther and Lion statues?

As you ride all around our beautiful Snell Isle, you can’t help but notice our lovely statuary - all 140 of them. But as you may have noticed, many need “sprucing up”.

We also have 29 Planters all around and those will be “spruced up” first. We need to empty them of all their leggy plants and dirt, clean them up (a little bleach and water and a very thorough rinse). Then we will repaint - if necessary –and then replant.

Do you live near one of these Planters? Or even if you don’t, would you please help us by “adopting” one or more. They will be replanted with succulents that don’t require much care but will need your watering and some of your great TLC!

We’re looking for your help with this project and want to get it done before summer’s heat sweeps upon us.

Some of you told us when you sent in your annual dues that you’d be willing to volunteer to help and Bonnie has spoken with some of you. We do need more volunteers though. If you’d like to help (or have your teenagers earn some community service hours) please contact Bonnie Hargrett who is spear-heading this year’s “Statuary Project”. She can be reached at 727-821-1048 and she looks forward to hearing from you.

Phase One is just the planters – all 29 of them - all around Snell Isle. With your help, we can finish this pretty quickly. (Most of the supplies needed will be given to you…bleach, paint, etc. ).

Phase Two will include all the animal statues and be done just a little later this year.

The Planters, Panthers and Lions all thank you so much for your support!

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About Snell Isle

image Snell Isle is home to the historic The Vinoy® Renaissance St. Petersburg Resort & Golf Club, one of the Nation's premier golf courses.
image Our tropical surroundings provide waterfront vistas for most residents. Over 80% of the homes on Snell Isle enjoy waterfront views.
image In 1920, local developer C. Perry Snell began construction on what was originally, a muddy mangrove island.

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