Snell Isle Alerts

City assists "sensible sprinklers"

Communications Manager Bill Logan, St. Petersburg Water Resources

City assists “sensible sprinklers”

As we roll into the “dry season,” the City of St. Petersburg and the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) are helping encourage good watering habits through the “Sensible Sprinkling Program.”

This Program offers a FREE check-up to water customers with operable in-ground sprinkler systems using potable (drinking) water, reclaimed water, or well water. Selected participants will receive a sprinkler system evaluation with site-specific recommendations, a diagram of the sprinkler layout, installation of a rain sensor (if one is not in use on the site), water conservation information, and an automatic shut-off hose nozzle.

“It’s a great way to help our customers understand and enhance sprinkler systems,” said Water Conservation Coordinator Chris Claus. “This not only helps keep citizens’ lawns and gardens more appropriately irrigated, it helps save water -- our most precious natural resource.”

To participate, city residents need to complete the Sensible Sprinkling application and forward by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information, check out the city’s water conservation web site at or call 892-5611.

Vote Tuesday Nov.7

Just a reminder to get out and vote Tuesday. For all of Snell Isle, the Woman’s Club at 40 Snell Isle Blvd is your polling location.

Your polling location can accept your un-used mail-in ballot, spoil it and provide you a new ballot OR, if you’ve received your ballot and cannot locate it, no problem, your polling location can provide you a new ballot.

New Safety Tips

All over the City, we are experiencing an uptick in car thefts, burglaries and other crime. Recall the HOT WHEELS expose the Tampa Bay Times printed earlier this year? Well, for a while things calmed down it seemed, but now - especially when folks let their guard down - it’s back in the forefront.

Please be mindful, if you are accustomed to pulling into your driveway or garage and start to unload packages, groceries, etc. and you leave your keys, key fob, purse, or wallet in the car. What if someone jumped in your car and took off? IT HAPPENS! All it takes is one instant for the thugs to high-jack a vehicle in a flash! We have all worked hard for what we have, yet it can be stolen in an instant when we let our guard down. DON’T DO IT!

Lock those car doors and turn the ignition off, take your keys, fob and purse inside…even if just for a quick trip inside. It’s not worth it to give the thugs a crime of opportunity. I remind you…it’s happening ALL OVER TOWN. Let’s make sure it doesn’t happen to YOU!

This next article from Pasco Sheriff’s Office, pertains to children being victimized…Pasco Deputies Warn Parents: Children Solicited Through Apps. The sheriff’s Cyber Investigations Unit has spotted this trend over the last two months involving the abuse of social media and preteens…

Please, please try to be ON GUARD at all times. If you SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING. Our St Pete Police (or any police department) would much rather come to investigate and prevent a crime than deal with the aftermath OF a crime! Please watch out for one another and…Stay Safe.

SPPD Halloween Safety Tips

Our own Sergeant Jason Deary of the St Petersburg Police Dept is starring in this great video reminding us all of good advice and safety tips for Trick-or Treaters. Please take a moment to open the link and make note. And please stay safe as you and yours enjoy this spooky Halloween!

Holiday Arts & Crafts Fair - Nov.18

Holiday Arts & Crafts Fair

Saturday, Nov. 18 9AM – 1PM

St. Petersburg Woman’s Club – 40 Snell Isle Blvd. NE

You don’t want to miss this wonderful Holiday Arts & Crafts Fair - at the historical St. Petersburg Woman’s Club, on Saturday, November 18, 9AM- 1PM Come and join the fun & do some early Christmas shopping.

As a special display, member Ardith Rutland has donated her lifelong dragonfly collection to the club. Pieces range from metalwork, stained glass & china & will be placed on sale at this event.

Vendor information: call Carolyn DeFreitas at 674-3484 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tips for a SAFE Halloween

Tips for a Safe Halloween Halloween can be a fun holiday for kids, but a worrisome one for parents. Concerns about children's safety--whether they are out in the neighborhood or back home with bags of booty--can darken the day more quickly than a black cat. But not to worry! To make Halloween a treat, follow these safety tips.


  • Make sure the path to your door is clear, welcome trick-or-treaters with your porch lights and turn on any exterior lights.
  • Patrol your street occasionally to discourage speeding motorists, acts of malicious mischief and crimes against children.
  • Report any suspicious or criminal activity to your police department immediately. Call 9-1-1.
  • Do not give homemade or unwrapped treats to children.

MOTORISTS Exercise extreme caution when driving a vehicle. Be on the alert for excited youngsters, whose vision may be obscured by masks, darting out into traffic.


  • Make sure your kids dress up safely
  • Make sure costumes are flame retardant so children aren't in danger near burning jack-o-lanterns.
  • Keep costumes short to prevent trips, falls, and other bumps in the night.
  • Try make-up instead of a mask. Masks can be hot and uncomfortable, and they can obstruct a child's vision, a dangerous thing when kids are crossing streets and going up and down steps.
  • Make sure kids wear light colors or put reflective tape on their costumes.
  • Make trick-or-treating trouble free
  • Create a map of a safe trick-or treating route and set a time limit for your children to “trick-or-treat”.
  • Trick-or-treaters should always be in groups so they aren't a tempting target for real-life goblins. Parents should accompany young children.
  • Make sure older kids trick-or-treat with friends. Together, map out a safe route so you will know where they are going. Tell them to stop only at familiar homes where the outside lights are on.
  • Try to get your kids to trick-or-treat while it's still light out. If it's dark, make sure someone has a flashlight, add reflective tape to costumes and bags, and pick well-lighted streets.
  • Do not go inside anyone’s home. Remain on the porch at all times.
  • Do not accept rides from strangers and be sure children do not approach any vehicle, occupied or not.
  • Remind kids to keep a safe distance from moving cars.
  • Cross only at street corners, never between parked cars, and never diagonally across an intersection.
  • Look in all directions before crossing the street, and obey all traffic signals. Walk, never run, across the street, and use sidewalks, not the street, for walking.
  • Do not take shortcuts through back yards, alleys or parks.
  • Do not eat any treats until parents have inspected them.
  • Discard any homemade or unwrapped treats.
  • Teach children how to call 9-1-1 in an emergency.
  • Check all treats before eating
  • It's hard for kids to hold back from eating their treats until they get home. One way to keep trick-or-treaters from digging in while they're still out is to feed them a meal or a snack beforehand.
  • Check out all candy in a well-lighted place when your trick-or-treater gets home.
  • What to eat? Only unopened candies and other treats that are in original wrappers. Don't forget to inspect fruit and homemade goodies for anything suspicious. By all means remind kids not to eat everything at once or they'll be feeling pretty ghoulish for while! Halloween can be a lot of fun for parents and kids alike--if everybody remembers the tricks and treats of playing it safe.

COSTUMES etc: A note to parents:

  • Make sure your children’s costumes are not flammable.
  • Do not permit your children to wear cumbersome, floor length or vision-impairing costumes.
  • Reflectorized stripes make your costume more visible.
  • In lieu of masks, we recommend face make up.
  • Wear comfortable, safe shoes.

CALL 9-1-1 if you suspect any tainted candy.

Oktoberfest and Halloween Howl Oct. 26 at 6PM

Oktoberfest and Halloween Howl

Thursday, October 26 at 6PM

St. Petersburg Woman’s Club

40 Snell Isle Blvd. NE

Join us for yummy food and lots of fun. You can look forward to a real treat this year and we don’t want you to miss it. Come dressed up for Halloween. We will see you Thursday at St. Petersburg Woman’s Club, 40 Snell Isle Blvd NE. Save the date – Thursday, October 26 at 6PM.

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About Snell Isle

image Snell Isle is home to the historic The Vinoy® Renaissance St. Petersburg Resort & Golf Club, one of the Nation's premier golf courses.
image Our tropical surroundings provide waterfront vistas for most residents. Over 80% of the homes on Snell Isle enjoy waterfront views.
image In 1920, local developer C. Perry Snell began construction on what was originally, a muddy mangrove island.

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